Thursday, September 17, 2009

big ass and other irrelevant stuff

People often say I'm thin, but trust me I'm not. The other day, I was looking at myself and got a feeling that I'm getting a bulge. Yea.. you are right, the perennial problem of secondary growth, which is also called growing horizontally. I gave a goodbye kiss to vertical growth a few years back but that doesn't mean I'll let this h. growth stay here. NO! I shall not. So coming back to the topic - So I was looking at myself and realized that all the chocolates have started affecting me. My ass has started bulging! Gawd!!! If I don't stop it, I'll become a male version of Kim Kardashian... DUDE!! I can't even picture it. GROSS!!!

Two weeks ago, I used to spend atleast 25 rupees daily on chocolates. There was a time when I ate 6 Munch(es) - those chocolate wafer sorta thing in one hour. That is huge you know. It's not like I'm boasting of some record. It's bad. REAL BAD. Everyone has to pay a price for the stuff he/she does and my big ass is just a testament of that fact. I could've easily fallen prey to chocolate and made my life a sad story of chocolate addiction - the kind of life that could be documented and shown to children to stop chocolate addiction.

But that was two weeks ago and I've cut down on a lot of stuff. I'm eating healthy you know. There was a severe withdrawal problem as far as chocolates are concerned. Slowly reducing it, I've totally cut down on chocolates. Today I can proudly say that it will be the third day since I have not eaten any chocolate. I don't feel anything happening either. I ofcourse have the OBH shopkeeper offering me kit kat, perk and munch but now I moved onto a higher plane by refusing to fall for the greed. You may ask how? Well it's simple. I collected all these gross images of malnourished African children dying of hunger and all. I now have them in my mind and picture them everytime I seem to fall for chocolates. Believe me, it works! It's a sad, stupid, maybe hideous way of controlling stuff, but then that is what things have come to.

leaving on a good note, I should also tell how happy I'm on seeing my blog again on blogroll. The past few months which have seen my blog posts always without comments were bad as far as my blogging career is concerned. Hopefully things will now change.



  1. This post reminded me of myself a few months back when I was trying real hard to lose weight. And come on to get an ass like Kim you need to work really hard :P. The post was extremely well written. Keep blogging!

  2. checking out your ass in the mirror,

    wht are you a teenage gal getting ready for her first date ?

    still, njoyed reading it. assuming the writer being, younger kim kardashian

  3. Shashi Kardashian !! :P :P ... lolzzz ....

  4. LOL, open login post... is it? No? Dooood seriously!!!

  5. Congos buddy on your r-ass-olution.

    Sorry I couldn't contribute to your ass-loss by not going to jogging with you as promised. But at the same time, the bumps on the highway would surely have done something to your ass...?

  6. Nice... I've never been able to overcome my addictions, but surprisingly when I stop fretting about it, I either live peacefully with it or it disappears from my life...
    I love chocolates, and my mantra is, eat what you like... then do other things to cover up for the ill-effects. :D
    Eat tasty, but try not to get the S-shape! :D

  7. Awesome read :)
    Thanks for the idea Sashi. I need it very much now to lose weight:)
