My ever increasing impatience climaxed today as I unboxed the camera that I ordered on Amazon a few days back. The camera is Canon elph 300hs. It's a lovely camera with some really neat features packed in a small form factor and a lovely design.
A lovely photo of the parking lot and the buildings beyond as seen from my apartments. The photo has wideangle written all over it thanks to the wide angled lens that this camera has
and my camera is RED in color! |
Before you folks jump to any conclusions about my choice of color, there is some clarification in order. The camera is available is three colors and I have been watching the price of each of these three models on amazon for some time. At the risk of giving away the analytics guy in me, I should tell how I went about it. Went to Amazon about a month and half ago and started noting the price everyday. Entered it in the spreadsheet and made a plot. Did the same for used models as well. After a few days realized that the price isn't dropping beyond $164 and the used camera was being sold at $154. Now, armed with this data, I decided to buy the camera whenever it approached $164 and one day it fell to $161. Next thing I know, I got my credit card out and bought it. Felt happy because now the camera is being sold for $177 :P. Now, only the red model was available at this price and taking the red one seemed like the best choice.
I had this model in my mind for quite sometime. Went to a variety of review sites before zeroing in on this model. I went as far as going to Flickr to see the tendencies of this camera. In addition to a graph of people using it, it gives you different photos to look at. A great tool if you are thinking of buying a camera. For example, you might wonder if the camera you are interested in is good for motion photos. No sweat, go to this place in flickr and select the action category. Good right...! I haven't come across many people who have Flickr as a kind of review platform.
Ok, this post is about my camera and taking pictures and it wouldn't be fair on the world of sayings if I talked too much. After all a picture is worth a thousand words :) Throwing in a few pictures and one lovely video.
Colors seem to come out really well and not washed out |
I'm starting to like this picture a lot. The orange which I kept on the table seems to grab my attention. Same there for you too? I discovered this video after the arrival of my camera. I was searching youtube on red canon elph 300hs and landed on this video. It does a good job of summing my excitement at the moment.